Virtuous women and millionaires have THESE in common (Part 2)

Virtuous women and millionaires have these in common

Home management and business: what similarities?

This post is the second part of Virtuous women and millionaires have THESE in common. If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to do so here before reading the below.

As stated in this post, one responsibility of a virtuous woman is to make sure of the well-being of a household. More specifically, she makes sure her household is a home for her husband and children.

Running a home is a heck of a job, especially if you have kids: everything will evolve around your kids. Their needs will come first, and those needs will cause you to take initiatives.

The same applies with a company: running a company is quite demanding. Everything will evolve around your customer: your product shall be according to your customer’s needs – not yours.

The same way a virtuous woman would know her children, a business owner is to know their customer. If there is no knowledge of your customer, it will be difficult to cater for their needs.

The well-being of a household depends a lot on needs and initiatives. The way the virtuous women takes initiative to manage her home, a business owner is to do same with their business.


What is a business?

By definition, an initiative is the act of proposing, undertaking and / or organize something that no one in your entourage would. The very foundation of a business is an initiative to answer to a need: initiative are therefore what open businesses.

If bad initiatives are taken, the home will collapse, eventually. The collapse can be caused by a betrayal, no taking care of the children, no agreement with your spouse, no planning of the chores, bad management of money, etc.

The same goes with business. If the right initiatives are not taking within the business, it will end up collapsing: no satisfying your customers, bad financial management, no work organization, no agreement with your suppliers, etc.

In Proverbs 31, a virtuous woman is described as a capable in her home (amongst others). For more clarification, Proverbs 31 clearly states: she knows how to manage her servants, invest money, handle property, do business, buy and sell, act with forethought, creates gives, etc.

These are characteristics of a business owner: act wisely, buy, add value, sell, invest, manage people, etc. One cannot but realize that they match perfect to those of the virtuous woman… I cannot only encourage you to read more about the virtuous woman in the book of Proverbs.

Virtuous women and millionaires have these in common

Let have a look at millionaire women.

After noticing those similarities, I researched some commonalities of millionaire women and here is what most of them say:

  • They started their business from home, whilst taking care their children
  • Their home is worth less than $300k
  • They never spend more than $40k for a car
  • Their out fit are less than 200$
  • Their first successful business was in a niche with competition
  • They invested

One could then wonder how they manage to do so well. Well from the information previously provided, I will say these:

They started their business. Lot of people wouldn’t start until the have the perfect situation or setup. This is the reason why lots of projects are not being realized.

My advise is to start immediately. The situation will never be perfect. Just start and you’ll improve along the way. Delaying will likely never make you start.


Although their wealth was growing, they did not start doing unnecessary expenses. A $2k watch will still give you time as the 50$ one. A $10k mattress will still make you sleep as a $100.

Don’t get me wrong: pleasing yourself with nice stuff is not wrong. Just pay attention to not ruining what you work for so hard – or you might get back to square one.


They invested. They did not just satisfied themselves with their fruitful businesses. The reason they invested was to keep themselves and their kids on the safe side, should something happen to them in the future.


Do you know of other commonalities between virtuous women and millionaire? We’d love to read them in comment.


This post was the second part of what Virtuous women and millionaires have in common. Feel free to comment and share.



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