Virtuous women and millionaires have THESE in common! (Part 1)

Virtuous women and millionaires have THESE in common

In this post, I’d like to highlight some characteristics that virtuous women and millionaire have in common.

Some of you know that I love God and I strive to live according to His will. As a woman, I try my imperfect best to be a virtuous woman.

If our creator asks women to be virtuous, I believe it is because He knows how much valuable it is to be virtuous.

In fact: the value of a virtuous women is far above that of rubies. In other word, a virtuous woman is priceless!

What makes virtuous women priceless? Besides her wisdom, here is a hint:

Winner’s mindset


One of the virtuous women’s responsibilities is to build her household. She would be responsible of the well-being of her household.

Let’s take a mom for instance: she would usually babysit, instruct her children, cook, clean, nurse, etc. She’d take care of all those “little” things that would turn a house into a home for her children, her husband and herself.

This is a great responsibility because the operating of her household will highly rest on her. The same goes for running a business: you need to know those “little” things to do to effectively run YOUR business.


Virtuous women and millionaires have THESE in common

Usually, responsibility comes with objectives. And objectives come with the need of taking initiatives. If an objective is not met, there will be corrective actions in order to reach the objectives.

If a virtuous woman realizes she can’t keep up with her household duties, she might either:

  • Delegate (by hiring a maid or asking her children to participate, etc.)
  • Reorganize her schedule to cater for the needs.
  • Quit her duties (but she wouldn’t be so virtuous 😉)

Initiatives are to be taken to either improve unsatisfying results or to maintain the satisfying results. Initiatives can also be taken for testing purposes if you can afford doing so.

This applies both for a household and for business.


Women have that characteristic of being full of empathy. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other’s shoes in order to understand their operating mode, their thoughts and their emotions.

Feeling empathy for people means you can feel your customer’s pains, difficulties, etc. This is excellent for business, because you can then sell your (effective) solution to relieve them from their pain.


This post does not aim to tell you how to run your household… You know the needs of your household better than I do, so I am not sure I qualify to counsel you when it come to that.

But the mindset to being a virtuous woman and that of a millionaire have similarities. Whilst this post was focusing on the mindset, another one will focus on the attitudes.

Indeed, a mindset without the matching attitudes is pointless.


What about you? What mindset have you got to reach your financial independence? Are you applying the listed points in your business journey? How so? We’d love to read it in the comment section.

This post was about what virtuous women and millionaire have in common. Feel free to share and comment.


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