Things you should NOT be ashamed of in business

Things you should NOT be ashamed of in business

Depending on circumstances, shame is mainly defined by:

A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour.

This is a feeling that we all have experienced in our lives. At least once.

So, in case you are starting out an entrepreneurial journey, here are some things you should not be ashamed of in business.

This post will aim to point out the things we should not be ashamed of. Especially in business.

Not knowing

Most of the time, saying “I do not know” generates a certain apprehension – especially at school or at work.

It is OK not to know how to do what you are asked to do. Just be straight forward about it, and it will give you an opportunity of learning.

And guess what: your straight forward honesty will prove you to be trust worthy. Time is precious, and no one likes wasting it. Do not waste it in trying to do something you don’t know how to do.

After all, no one has absolute knowledge except God.

Asking for help

In nowadays world, asking for help can be a sign of weakness. I beg to differ.

Recognizing you need help is the first step to improving. Having the courage to ask it is even better! Does that mean it will always be granted the help you are asking for? Probably not.

Usually, people do not improve because it is difficult for them to ask for the help they need. That is a mistake.

Even if you are successfully in life, asking for help is a sign of humbleness. And people will have the courage of asking for help when they see a successful person doing so.


Things you should NOT be ashamed of in business

Once you are provided the help you need, you might be tested. If you are successful right away, great.

Sometimes, you don’t succeed right away. And it is OK too. As long as you learn from the failures. In fact, failures will pave your way to meeting your objectives.

In fact, the more failures, the better. The big majority of successful people have experienced failures before being successful. So don’t be discouraged if success isn’t right away.

We all have responsibility if we fail, so do not hesitate to own your mistakes. For instance, I was disappointed by my first employer. I am responsible for that because I trusted him in the first place.

Small beginnings

Small beginnings are awesome. Do not despise them, or be ashamed of them. Whether it is YOUR small beginning or someone else’s.

Years ago in Italy, street cleaning workers were looked down upon. Tired of feeling despised, they decided to go on a strike for weeks… I can assure you: at the end of the day, their queries were met.

Entrepreneurs, there is NO shame in having humble beginnings. It is during that time that you gain most of your best practices and good habits.

The Lord Almighty, in whom I believe, says this:

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Your success will only emphasize your flaws. Improve those flaws in the beginnings.

Keep your values

Your values are important, because they determine who you are – and the way you run your business.

Sometimes, those values will make you feel lonely. And it is OK, especially if you know you are right. The “majority” should not determine what is right or wrong.

Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if NO one is doing it. The question here is: what is your standard of “right”?!

Don’t be afraid to stand on your values, even if that make you lonely!

In your opinion, and from your experience, are there any other things you should not be afraid of in business? We’d love to read it in the comment section.

This post was about the things you should NOT be afraid of in business. Feel free to share and comment.

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