The best way to lose money (Part 2)

The best way to lose money

In a previous post, I stated that the best way to lose money is through procrastination. In that post, I gave my personal experience and the consequences.

This post is the second part of the best way to lose money, and I shall be exposing the most common reasons why people procrastinate.

I shall also be giving some solutions to avoid getting into that trap – and therefore lose time and money. Let’s go through them.



The fear of failing, or the fear of succeeding – if not both. It’s okay to be scared. And in some cases, fear is a good thing. The question is: how do you react to that fear?

If you are afraid to fail, let it be an additional motivation to achieve your goals. If you do not succeed, don’t let yourself be defeated: try again. This time you will start over with experience!

As for the fear of succeeding, I will answer “who does business to fail? ”. Success can change your lifestyle. You just adapt to it.

Your financial success will give you the financial means to adapt to this success. I’d encourage you to plan your success.

In business, fear can be used as an additional motivation to succeed and achieve the goals you have determined. Are you using your fear wisely?



In case you have the desire for everything to be perfect from day 1, let me be clear: even after 20 years of experience, you won’t have perfection.

You don’t have to take my word on that: ask to business owners if their business is perfect – I very much doubt their answer would be « Yes ». Another proof of this all of us: we have been raised for 18 years by our parents, and we are still not perfect.

How can a business, managed by an imperfect person, be perfect? If you have the answer to this question, I’d love to read it in the comments section ;). Your business will never be perfect.

The most important thing is to satisfy your customer by delivering what you promised to deliver. Just start, and you will be improving during the journey. That way, you will be able to self-assess your advancement.

These imperfections can be a powerful marketing tool : You’d be able to show your “beginning/currently” moments to your audience, which could inspire and encourage them to trust you.


Lack of knowledge and methods

The best way to lose money

Not having enough knowledge and methods. Nobody is born knowing it all. From his mother’s womb, Einstein did not know that his works would be globally honored and celebrated.

Everything can be learned if you put in the effort and the means ! Do not let the lack of knowledge stop you from starting your business. Start your business and keep learning in the process. In the beginning, use the advantage of having a small audience to learn more and more.

Learn, apply, learn again and apply again and again. A common trait of entrepreneurs is that they never stop learning – even when they are financially successful.

In another post, I will give you the tactics that a web influencer has applied to start what he wanted, even without knowledge and methods.


Lack of motivation

Procrastination can also be fuelled by the lack of motivation. This is often caused by two things: the complacency of your financial situation and/or lack of vision.

If you don’t see the benefits of getting started, you won’t have the emotional energy you need to get to work. As long as you don’t “suffer” enough from your current situation, you won’t have the motivation to get started.


As you can see, procrastination can be fuelled by a number of things. If you do not pay attention, you easily get trapped into that and therefore lose a lot of time and money.

Do you know any other cause of procrastination ? If you do, we’d love to read your thoughts in the comment section.


This post was about the best way to lose money. Feel free to comment and share.

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