Surround yourself with people smarter than you

Lately I have been thinking “Lo, you need to surround yourself with people smarter than you…“. This thought came across my mind for the millionth time recently and couldn’t help but ask myself this ONE question. “Okay. But why on earth would those people want to surround themselves with you?

Surround yourself with people smarter than you

I mean… It’s all well and good to want to surround yourself with the best and it’s a worthy quest, but aren’t these people looking for the exact same thing? Don’t they want to surround themselves with people smarter than themselves?

A tricky question I guess… Unless you ask yourself this question: how can you surround yourself with the best?

This would lead you to identify what you need to bring to the table to earn your place amongst people smarter than you.

Here’s how you can do it.


Specialize in your expertise

To draw the most intelligent individuals, it is essential to have proficiency in your area of expertise. This will contribute to enhancing the collective knowledge and validate your position within the group.


Be mindful of your attitude

Your presence must illuminate the room. Exude pleasantness. Assist. Volunteer if need be. Listen actively. Do not fear asking questions. Be mentally present. Just be yourself, whilst challenging yourself.

Only after will you discover your place amongst anyone – including individuals smarter than you are. Indeed, such positive attitude will turn you into an invaluable asset.


Gather individuals together

Intelligent people may not necessarily possess the abilities to skills and gather a group. Now if you are skilled in assembling the right people at the right place and the right time, you will definitely end up surrounding yourself with the crème de la crème.


Wield your wealth

While wealth and power may grant access to numerous social circles, make sure you wield such resources with the right intentions.

Regardless of the quality of your wealth, your outcome will depend on how you use it and whether your motives are right.


Mind your purpose

Suppose you possess a robust intention and the capacity to communicate it in a motivational manner. In that case, you can encircle yourself with the finest individuals who share a similar vision, complementary principles, incentives, and convictions.

Keeping yourself surrounded with individuals sharing the same principles and vision can only be beneficial for you and for your vision.


Lead with purpose

Surround yourself with people smarter than you

Being intelligent does not always equate to having the aptitude to collaborate and work as a team towards a shared objective.

If you possess the skill to lead and guide an outstanding group towards significant collective accomplishments, then rest assured. You will have a prominent place among them.


In conclusion: if you want to surround yourself with people smarter than you, then know that it is not enough to merely dream about it. Instead, you must consider what you can bring to the table to add value to the group.


What about you? Do you surround yourself with people smarter than you? How did you come to that decision? Do you think it is a winning strategy? I’d like to read your thoughts and ideas about the matter in the comment section.


This post was about why I find it important to surround yourself with people smarter than you.

Feel free to comment and share.


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