Running a business and composing music

Running a business and music composing

Running a business is often compared to playing a game of chess. But have you ever thought about the similarities between running a business and composing music?

Today, I was sitting before my instrument, randomly striking some chords. Whilst doing so, I realized that a business couldn’t be run as randomly as I was “playing”.

At first glance, the two activities may seem unrelated, but upon closer inspection, they share several key characteristics. Let’s take a look at how running a business and composing music are alike.


Creativity and innovation

Just as a composer must be creative and innovative to craft a beautiful piece of music, a business owner must be creative and innovative to build a successful company.

In both cases, the ability to think outside the box and come up with new ideas is crucial to success.


Careful planning and execution

A composer doesn’t simply sit before their instrument and start playing random notes. Instead, they carefully plan out each note and melody to create a cohesive piece of music.

Similarly, a business owner must carefully plan out every aspect of their company, from marketing strategies to financial planning, and then execute those plans effectively.


Attention to detail

A composer must pay attention to every detail of their music, from the tempo to the dynamics, to ensure that the piece is played as intended.

Similarly, a business owner must pay attention to every detail of their company, from the smallest financial transactions to the biggest strategic decisions, to ensure that everything is running smoothly.



While composing a piece of music may seem like a solitary activity, many composers work with other musicians to bring their vision to life.

Similarly, a business owner must collaborate with employees, partners, and customers to build a successful company.

Running a business and music composing

Practice and persistence

Just as a instrumental player must practice their craft to improve their skills, a business owner must persistently work to improve their company.

Both require hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.


In conclusion, running a business and composing music may seem like vastly different activities, but they share many similarities.

Both require creativity, careful planning and execution, attention to detail, collaboration, and persistence.

By keeping these similarities in mind, business owners can learn valuable lessons from the world of music composition to help them build successful companies.


As this post is coming to an end, may I ask your opinion: do you think running a business and composing music are similar?? How so ? Please feel free to share your views. I’d love to read your thoughts over the comment sections.

This post was about why I think there are similarities between running a business and composing music… Feel free to comment and share.


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