Read THIS whenever you feel down

READ THIS whenever you feel down

Whenever you feel down, READ THIS.

Days ago, I was feeling very down. As I was working on a project, I was reminded of words of empowerment that were told too me. Those words were a gentle, yet powerful reminder of who I am. 

Should you be full of doubts, here are those words to you.

You are beautiful. You are smart. You are funny. You are generous. You are unique. You are worthy of love. You are precious. You are a diamond, a rose, a pearl.

You are an amazing creature of God. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are worth much more than you can ever imagine. You definitely have more worth than:

  • Your weight
  • Your beauty products
  • The brands of your shoes (and clothes)
  • The fights you have with other women
  • The men who would like to be with you
  • The failures you have encountered
  • The number of followers on your social media accounts


Your worth is beyond any other thing on earth. In fact, you are so very much loved by your Creator. Yes, He valued you enough to send someone to sacrifice His life for you!

You are protected, valued and loved more than any other creature by the living God, for the living God and for His glory!

Regardless of who you think you are:

  • whether you are a top model or invisible,
  • whether you are wealthy or not,
  • whether you are popular or not,
  • whether you have friends or not,
  • whether you feel like everything is falling apart or not,
  • whether you are depressed or not,
  • whether you are considered as successful or not
  • Etc.


Truth is: you deserve a man capable to give their life for you. As a woman, you ought to be full of strength, of wisdom, of love, of the Spirit and of the Word of God.

READ THIS whenever you feel down

Take a look at the Bible’s amazing women: Ruth, Esther, Hannah, Martha, Mary, etc. Their strength, wisdom, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, longsuffering and perseverance have caused God to make miracles happen.

Ladies, each one of you is a woman full of those skills and ability to turn the world in a better place. Your job is to find that woman in you and to set her free!

You are WONDERFUL. You are NOT worthless. Never forget that!


This post is “Read THIS whenever you feel down!”  Do you agree with it? It not, I’d love to read your thoughts in the comments’ section. If you’d like more posts like this, feel free to let me know.


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