Reach the heart

Reach the heart

It sounds cliché to claim that the best way to reach out to someone is to reach the heart of the person. But I believe it to be true.

The true personality of a person lies in their heart. So, reaching the hearts of people will make them hear you and respond.

I have grown to notice that this principle applies in more life area than what one may think. In family matters, in legal matters, etc.

For instance, some African parents would wish for their child to marry someone from the same tribe as them.

Most of the “reasons” they provide will evolve around a basic thing. Reaching the heart of the family in law to be.

Long lasting friendships are founded on the bases of each parties having reached the heart of one another.


How did I come to understand this?

I kind of knew that it was important to reach the heart of my interlocutor. But I never actually sat down to reflect on it.

I did take that for granted and I had never asked myself why it was capital to understand that. So, what made me start wondering?

An internship hunting. Yes. You got that right. An internship hunting. I was desperate to get an internship to graduate.

The deadline was getting awfully closer. A deal I thought I had secured went south at the VERY last minute, leaving me in disarray.

Until one phone call changed everything. Not just for me, but for my correspondent – who hired me almost on the spot. And for whom it is a great honor to call him a friend.

In a nutshell, my then internship supervisor had two other interns who did not speak a word in English. And they were to work on an innovative project.

The supervisor was within a fingernail of giving up, until I call. As soon as he realized I could communicate with his other intern, he took me in. Immediately. 

I had reached his heart. Not only that, but the project was about to take a major turn.


How does it work in business?

Well, in business, it is easy to get caught up in the numbers and the bottom line. However, at the end of the day, the human element really matters.

People do not buy products or services solely based on their features or price; they buy based on emotions and how those products or services make them feel.

So how can you reach the heart of your prospect and create a meaningful connection that goes beyond just a transaction? Here are some tips to get started:


Listen actively

The most important things you can do to reach the heart of your prospect is to listen actively. This means not just hearing their words, but also understanding their tone of voice, body language, and emotions.

By doing so, you will be able to understand what they truly need and want, and respond accordingly.

Reach the heart


Be authentic

People can spot a fake from a mile away. Do not try to be something you are not or pretend to care about something you don’t.

Be genuine in your interactions and communications. When you are authentic, people will be more likely to trust you and connect with you on a deeper level.


Tell a story

Humans are hardwired to respond to stories. Use storytelling to connect with your prospects and create an emotional connection.

Share stories about how your product or service has helped others or how it aligns with your own values. Make it personal and relatable.


Focus on the benefits, not just the features

While features are important, the benefits really matter to your prospects. What will your product or service do for them?

How will it make their life better? Focus on the benefits, and how they align with your prospects’ needs and desires.


Show empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Show your prospects that you understand their pain points and care about their needs.

Use language that shows you are on their side and want to help them. When you show empathy, you create a deeper emotional connection.

Reach the heart


Follow up

Once you have made a connection with your prospect, do not let it fizzle out. Follow up with them regularly to show that you care and are committed to their success.

Whether it is a quick email or a phone call, following up can help solidify the connection you’ve made.


As this post is coming to an end, might I ask: do you have any other way to reach the heart of your prospect ? If so, please feel free to share your methods. I’d love to read your thoughts over the comment sections.


This post was about how important it is to reach the heart of people. Feel free to comment and share.


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