Principles of investment learned from nature

Principles of investment learned from nature

My nephew made me realize something …

Indeed, my nephew made me realize that one can benefit from principles of investment learned from nature.

Months ago, as my very young nephew was enjoying his chicken-based meal, he turned to his mom and said: “Ma, do you think we can sow some of these and let them grow?”

As an outsider, you may think it is a strange question for a six-year-old kid to ask to his mother. So allow me to provide some clarification.

  1. They live in an environment where most of the breadwinning is through the agricultural sector…
  2. He knows one needs to work to get food on the table
  3. He does like chicken very much.

He wanted a way to enjoy something he likes very much whenever he desired. And he knew – or he thought and hoped – the solution was to sow, water, let it grow and reap.

Thought it made me smile, I could not but think about his question business-wise.

Think about it: when one sows, they expect to reap and enjoy what they sowed for after a period of time.

Is it not the same for someone who invest into something – or into someone?


Nature is a great teacher !

Investing is the act of making an immediate expenditure aiming to increase the wealth of the investor in the long term.

Sowing is the act of putting a seed into the ground aiming for it to sprout and grow…

At the end of the day, there must be a change between the initial state and the final state of each process.

To ensure the success of germination process, it is critical for one to sow at the right moment, into a good soil and pray for the perfect weather and climate.

After all, nature is literally of lessons.

Once the seed turns into the aimed comestible product, the sower can sow literally make a living from it – namely personal consumption or sales. In other words, the germinated product is value.

Although there are several types of investments (stock markets, material investment, investment on people , etc.), a good investment works the same way. 

An investment on the correct item at the correct time and with the right market conditions can only be fruitful. Provided that the investor and/or the sower have the know-how.

The great thing about investments is that the investor can make a living out of their investments.

Check it out: the wealthy tend to be wealthier and wealthier. And the less fortunate tend to be less and less fortunate. Why do you think that happens?

One of the reasons is that the wealthy people keep investing and the less fortunate people only spend and consume.

Not only the wealthy sustain themselves with their investments but they also do create value.

On the other hand, most of the less fortunate constantly strive to make ends meet. Some others do not necessarily think about investing. This is a consequence of the society we are living into: an (over?) consuming era. An era in which consumers are encouraged to consume goods and services in a more and more abundant way…


The best investment ever is … 

Principles of investment learned from nature

If you have no idea in what to invest, then invest in you. For you are your trademark. You are unique and there will be none like you in the world.

And because you are unique, the way you sprout and grow your investment will be unique.

Check it out: you have your own personality, your way of thinking, your way of perceiving thing, your way of doing things, your tastes, etc. The combination of that makes you unique. Your germination combined with your features will be unique!

To those whom haven’t invested yet, I only can encourage you to consider it. 

So, what are you waiting for?


This post aimed to expose principles of investment learned from nature. Feel free to comment and share. 


By the way, I told my nephew’s mom that her son has the thinking of an investor and of a businessperson…

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