Permission to start

Permission to start

No one will give you permission to start whatever dream you need to achieve. Despite what you were told as a child.

In school, we were taught to wait our turn. We learned to wait for our teacher’s instructions, wait for our classmates to finish their tasks, and wait for our grades to be handed out.

This conditioning often carries over into adulthood, where we continue to wait for the green light before pursuing our dreams. Usually, the green light would come from a figure of authority.

Many people wait for a promotion or a dream job to come along. They believe that if they just wait patiently, their hard work will be recognized. Promoted. By someone who will notice them.

Others wait for permission to start their own business, thinking that they need some external validation before taking the leap.

Actually, many aspiring entrepreneurs fall into this trap of waiting for permission to start their own businesses.

They wait for the right time, the perfect opportunity, or for someone else to give permission to proceed.

However, the truth is that no one is waiting for you to start your business, and waiting for permission can lead to missed opportunities and regrets.

Opportunities come and go quickly, and waiting for someone else to take action before you do can mean missing a chance to seize the moment.

No one is going to hand you the opportunity to start your own business on a silver platter. You have to create that opportunity for yourself.

In other words: when it comes to entrepreneurship, waiting for someone else to give you the opportunity is not the way to go. It is time to stop waiting for permission.


Just do it.

Don’t wait for the “right time” to start your business, because it will never come.

You don’t need to wait until you have all the resources you think you need. You’ll risk generating a sense of fear and hesitation, which can hold you back from realizing your full potential.

You can start with what you have and build from there. It is tempting to think you need more experience, more connections, or more money before taking the plunge.

However, many successful entrepreneurs started their businesses with little to no resources. And they did so by taking the initiative.

They focused on their vision, set clear goals, and took action towards achieving them. Their business started because they took matters into their own hands.

Permission to start


How did they take matters into their own hands?

They understood that starting their business is not just about being their own boss or making more money.

It is about the pursuit of a passion and the creation of something they believe in. The aim is to make a difference in the world.

They understood that the only thing standing in their way is themselves. Did they let fear or self-doubt hold them back? Absolutely no! Quite the contrary. They believed in themselves and in their abilities.

The idea of starting little was not a problem at all. They tested, gave themselves room to learn and adjust your approach as needed.

Along the way, they remembered that starting a business is not easy, and that there will be challenges along the way.

However, with determination, persistence, and the willingness to learn from their mistakes, they knew they could overcome obstacles and achieve success.

They understood that taking calculated risk is a necessary step in business. As the saying goes, “fortune favors the bold.”



When it comes to starting a business, entrepreneurs need to unlearn some old habits and learn new ones.

One old habit is to keep in mind that the only right time is now. Taking action without permission is a necessary step to make their vision a reality. The only permission they need is theirs.

So, go ahead and take that first step. And start building the business of your dreams. Create your own opportunities, and remember that failure is part of the process.


As this post is coming to an end, allow me to remind you once again. You need none but your permission to start. Do you agree with that statement? If no, can you develop your point in the comment section? Please feel free to share your views. I’d love to read your thoughts over the comment section.

This post aimed to motivate you to start whatever you had been delaying for a while… Feel free to comment and share.


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