Looking rich vs being rich

Looking rich vs being rich

Looking rich vs being rich: this is a debate subject I have had several times with the African communities in Europe. This post will be a very brief summary of the position I keep holding during such discussions. As a prelude to what follows, I’d like to specify that I have zero problem about anyone (including myself) looking rich.

My views were mostly birthed once I noticed and started questioning what I was witnessing around me. I am referring to the fact that it is very possible for someone to possess valuable material but struggling financially. The same way: someone may not possess valuable material but is outrageously wealthy.


The looks of being rich

External appearance

Amongst these two cases, who, in your opinion, is the rich one, like for real? Looking rich doesn’t make you rich. Whether nice or not, the looks doesn’t make a person. Unfortunately, lots of people in the African community seem to be mistaking one notion with the other. Here are some examples of how.

Our community makes an emphasis on looking rich. One can look rich by fixing their external appearance. For example, I have noticed this: when Africans from the diaspora return to the motherland, they make it a point to have designer items in their luggage. Shiny objects too.

Looking rich vs being rich

Does that mean they have they have the means to afford such items? Absolutely not. But it seems like they make it a point to have such possessions. The reason why appears to be intimately related to the mindset.


Material possessions

Similar to the external appearances, I have witnessed a lot of my fellow African people possessing assets that were jeopardizing their livelihood. In most cases, I saw these unfortunate situations in Europe and other Western countries.

I have seen tenants renting places they can’t afford to rent, or car owners purchasing vehicles requiring maintenance they can’t pay for, etc. Not to mention those would contract a credit at their spouse name, unbeknownst to the latter, just to cater for a craving. More times than I care to admit.

Though I understand the need to have certain possessions, I do not understand the choice of high end prices one couldn’t afford. I understand even less if the main reason is to look rich. This begs the question: why try to look rich when one can’t afford looking rich? This is a question I asked years ago:


Another experience of mine

Years ago, I was a working student. My job aimed primarily to:

  • Earn my Engineering degree.
  • Have a work experience in my field of studies.
  • Pay my bills and not depend on my family.
  • Earn respect from my peers and from my entourage.

At that time, all the above objectives were so important to me that I didn’t have much regard on my looks. Having a rent, utility bills, transportation, and food to pay for, I couldn’t do miracles with € 800 salary per month. All targets were reached, particularly the third one.

Sure, I was paying my bills, but I didn’t have enough left at the end of the month to make sure my appearance was better than decent. And I certainly was making sure NOT to make any unnecessary expense. In other words, looking rich was the least of my problems. However, I made sure to look decent with my means.

Shocked was I when someone I had just met made sure to let me know about his opinion on my appearance. An African person, older than me, who wasn’t working. And was depending on his parents. This was someone who cared more about looking rich, despite not being able to afford looking rich on his own.

Wild Lorraine didn’t think twice about giving him a spicy piece of my mind, i.e., letting him know that I wouldn’t look rich just for his pretty face. And that it is pointless to look rich for the sake of looking rich (whilst being rich), let alone looking rich without actually being rich.


Being financially rich


Being rich commences with certain fundamentals. If your expenses are lower than your gains, then you are in the right path to building wealth. Should the former be equal to the latter, then your finances are at balance. However, an unexpected event might threaten that equilibrium.

Now if your expenses are greater than your gains, you may quickly hit the ground. That is of no adjustment is made. Having this simple, yet fundamental knowledge is of capital importance for the health of your finances… Which brings me to my next point.



Being rich starts with knowledge. Whether it is the knowledge of fundamentals, or knowledge of your habits, your balance sheet, and your expense triggers for starters. Then comes the knowledge of how money works.

As a believer in God, I have always known that in each situation, knowledge is capital. As a matter of fact, in most cases, leveraging that knowledge can be a game changer in your favor. Literally, no wealth can be achieved and maintained without the required knowledge.

Actually, I did write an eBook discussing this topic. The eBook can be found here – and it is free of charge ;).


Looking rich vs being rich for many Africans

In the case of my fellow African people, I must say this: priority is given to looking rich over actually being rich. Such mentality is so deeply rooted that it might take a few years to change that. I witnessed decently dressed people being mistreated in public places, all because they weren’t wearing a tuxedo.

Such mindset won’t lead us anywhere in my opinion. Indeed, what is the point of looking rich if one isn’t financially comfortable enough to look rich?! Imagine what disasters such mentality can lead to: crimes like theft, jealously, envy, criminals mindsets, etc.

Moreover, for those who do not perpetrate crimes just to look rich: where does such mentality leave them? It puts them in a position to financially struggle more and more. Indeed, the society demands and the pressure will force them to increase their expenses.

In essence, we cannot afford to use funds we do not necessarily have for the sole reason of appearances. Nowadays, with the geopolitical forecast, it is even more critical to move towards a change of mindset and change that habit.


What’s the reality elsewhere?

A way to start moving towards that change is to stop judging the book by its cover. And assess the contents of the books. Do not underestimate, nor overestimate whoever you are facing. Anyone can wear the garment of a pilot. It doesn’t mean you can board the plane they’ll be piloting.

A good example of someone insanely wealthy whose appearance is the opposite of looking rich is the owner of the world biggest social media. Always dressed casually and simply. As a matter of fact, he claimed to have a dozen of identical shirts so he doesn’t waste time choosing his attire every day.

Looking rich vs being rich

Looking rich vs being rich? Here is my view. How about reversing the tendency, i.e., being rich in the stead of just looking rich?


What about you? Would you prefer looking rich vs being rich? May I ask why? What did your preference result into? I love to read about your experiences and feedback in the comment section.


This post aimed to give you my opinion regarding the looking rich vs being rich debate. Feel free to comment and share.  

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