Levels of financial success

Levels of financial success

As money is an important aspect in our lives, achieving certain levels of financial success is a desirable goal for many people.

Indeed, it is the key to unlocking opportunities, fulfilling our needs and desires, and achieving our dreams.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a good relationship with money. Many people struggle to make ends meet and are constantly living paycheck to paycheck.

To help me gain a better understanding of how money works, Emmanuel, one of my mentors broke down the matter in an insightful way.

Through this post, I would like to share the knowledge he has imparted me with: the levels of financial success.


Financial Intelligence

Financial intelligence is the foundation of financial success. It is the understanding of money, as well as how it works. Knowledge is capital.

It involves understanding basic financial concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to make informed financial decisions.

A lack of financial intelligence makes it difficult to build wealth or achieve financial security. Those who have a good grasp of financial concepts are less likely to struggle with money issues.


Financial salvation

Financial salvation is a state of being saved from poverty, lack, and want.

It means having enough cash flow to meet your basic needs and being able to afford the things that bring you joy and happiness.

While spiritual salvation is essential for a fulfilling life, financial salvation is also important. Without it, life can be stressful and challenging.


Financial confidence

Financial confidence is a state of mind where you know that you can always make money back. Even if you are deprived from your material wealth.

Achieving this financial level means: you have uncovered your God-given ability to generate income and you have faith in such capacity.

Reaching this financial level also means that you are better equipped to handle financial challenges and take advantage of opportunities.

Not having any financial confidence means that you can be easily rattled even by minor financial setbacks.  

Levels of financial success


Financial Abundance

This refers to having more than enough money to take care of all your needs and wants. Such surplus will give you the opportunity to live the lifestyle you desire, invest, and give abundantly.

Financial abundance is the goal for many people, and achieving it requires discipline, hard work, and a commitment to financial success.

Most people considers this state as the ultimate goal financial success goal: it is not. This brings me to my next point.


Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is the ultimate financial experience. At this level, there is no more link between your money and your time. And you have the time to do the things you love.

Achieving financial freedom means having enough passive income to cover your expenses, so you are free to pursue your passions and interests.

It allows you to live life on your own terms. In my opinion, everyone should strive for financial freedom, as it enables you to create a life that is fulfilling and enjoyable.

Levels of financial success

While some people have achieved all levels of financial success, others may be working towards them.

It’s essential to understand where you are on the financial spectrum and what steps you need to take to achieve the financial experiences that you desire.


As this post ends, might I ask: what levels of financial success are you yet to achieve? How did you plan to achieve them? I’d like to reads your thoughts in the comment sections.

This post aimed to expose a the different levels of financial success. Feel free to :

  1. Start working towards them today, and you will be on your way to achieving financial freedom
  2. Comment and share


NB: Dear Emmanuel, I cannot thank you enough for giving me such valuable knowledge. As I appreciate it, may the Lord my God continue to bless you abundantly with such wisdom.

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