How to answer to an objection?

How to answer to an objection

Recently, I posted on how to face an objection. If you have not read it, please go ahead and read it here.

In this post, I will explain how to answer to an objection methodically. This is the continuation of how to face an objection.

First you need to listen actively.

The first step to answering to an objection is to listen actively. By “actively”, you need to rephrase your objector’s arguments with your own words. The need to rephrase has two advantages:

First, it forces you to listen and pay attention to what your objector is saying. How can you help someone if you are not able to listen to them? It is very difficult, if not impossible.

Secondly, it will force you to understand what they feel, and to picture yourself in their shoes. The best way to understand someone’s feeling is to put yourself in their shoes.

Speaking of understanding…

Do not hesitate to ask for clarification!

You and your objector are two communicating human beings. During communication processes, there is plenty of room for misunderstandings.

By asking for clarification, you are reducing that room. It is capital for you to make that you are on the same page with your objector.

It is also capital for your objector to realize that you are giving them a chance to express their feelings.

Therefore, should the need arise, your objector will be glad to provide clarification.

Be open-minded and patient.

During a discussion, it is important to come with an open mind. This is even more valid when facing and answering to objections.

An open mind is a sign of humility: after all, you may learn something new from the objections of your objector. Information is always valuable.

The same goes for patience. Patiently let your objector go through with their objection. Your calm, patience, and open-mindedness will make them realize you are opened to listen to them. Patience is capital, as it can calm a quarrel.

In most cases: your behavior and your non-verbal communication will defuse heated objections.

Agree to their feelings.

How to answer to an objection

Now this is a MUST! It is important to agree to your objector’s feelings. After all, who are you to disagree with how they feel?

Feelings are personal, and your objector know better than you what they feel. Disagree with what they feel will put in a very delicate position, and they might even shut the discussion.

Think of it: how will you react if someone disagrees to your personal feelings? I assume you wouldn’t take it well either 😉.

Start presenting their objections as an advantage.

I know this is not the easiest part. But it is the most important if you want to overcome your objector’s objections.

In this post, I mentioned that my uncle managed to fascinate me about planes. He did so by turning all my arguments into advantages.

For example, I remember aggressively saying “there is NO WAY I board a 200-ton flying object!”. His response to that argument was as following:

He cast his bottle of water in the air and told me to observe what happens next. And I cynically pointed out that the bottle fell as quickly as he’d cast it.

Then he said “this is the amazing part of the plane. It goes in the air, and despite gravity, the pilot is the sole decider of when to put it on the floor. How cool is it to see something in the that doesn’t fall?!

Plus, the plane touches the ground much faster than the bottle I just cast. Yet, when it does so, there is NO damage whatsoever. Neither on the floor, nor on the people inside or outside the plane.”

And he when on, demolishing every argument I had. As if he was telling a fascinating story. He did that WITHOUT ever asking me to board the plane.

In order to keep this post short, I will not go into the details of the words my uncle used to convince me. But it was so fascinating that eventually, I couldn’t wait to experience an airplane trip.

Turning the disadvantages of your product into an advantage will put you within a fingernail of selling! And you will quickly become an excellent sales person. When you know how to answer to an objection, you can effectively sell anything :).

Try this methodology: you’d be surprise by the results.

By the way, my uncle was employed as a CMO – Chief Marketing Officer – back then.


Was this article helpful to you? Have you ever answered an objection? If yes, how did you proceed? I’d love to read it in the comments section.


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