How I overcame the S.O.S. – the Shiny Object Syndrome (Part 2)

How I overcame the S.O.S. - the Shiny Object Syndrome

In a previous post, I have exposed the symptoms and some causes of the Shiny Object Syndrome. In this post, I will give you solutions regarding how to overcome the S.O.S.


Ask yourself …

Ask these questions to yourselves. And make sure you answer those questions sincerely.

  1. What is my objective?
  2. Where am I situated regarding that objective today?
  3. What do I need to do to get closer to that objective?
  4. Will this tool really help me?
  5. Do I really need this right NOW?
  6. Am I acting in a compulsive way?
  7. Am I going to apply these methods?


Distinguish your needs from your wish

The shiny object syndrome can be caused because you do not have the knowledge of what you need, what you want and where you are heading.

Not having that knowledge will put you off-track from your business. The main reason why people give up on their business project is because they do not know what they need.

Determine your needs and act upon them!


Will you apply those methods?

If you know you are not going to use the tool, then why buy it? This is usually an issue for people that tend to waste time and to procrastinate.

Purchasing an item that will not be used will result into you wasting money.


Will it add value to your product / service?

It is important to be customer focused. And you are to provide a valuable solution to your customer. If the Shiny Object will add value to your product, then go for it. If it doesn’t, then it will most probably be a distraction.

Distraction can be costly in several way: you will invest time, energy and money for something that will not add value to your customer. What a pity…



Focus on your customer’s needs. Your product must be based on your customers. See things through their lenses. Not through yours. If you focus on you, you will have very few customers (if at all).

Focus on your objectives – especially the long run objective. Do not lose track of your objectives and your customers’ needs.


Be patient and reasonable

As an entrepreneur, it is important to be informed of the market trends and so on. So ignoring new tools is not an option.

However, I would recommend not purchase the Shiny Object unless you need it IMMEDIATELY. Moreover, there are chances that you have an even better tool, even more adapted to your needs.

How I overcame the S.O.S. - the Shiny Object Syndrome


If you are not sure, let go

After analyses, if you are still not sure if you are falling into the trap of the S.O.S, I would suggest to let go for now.

This sounds strange but think of it: the market evolves so quickly that the lots of products can quickly become obsolete.

If your Shiny Object becomes obsolete (antivirus, phones, etc.), then you would have saved lots of time, energy and money – which is good! If it doesn’t become obsolete, then it is gives you time to think of it.

As tempting as it may seem, do not rush the purchase because of a promotion or a nice offer if you are not sure you need the Shiny Object. Wait until you are sure you need it.



Most of entrepreneurs have experienced the S.O.S. The best way to overcome it is to know yourself and to honestly check and challenge your mind.

Knowing yourself and your knowing when to establish limits are capital in order to run a business. Not knowing them can be a disaster for your business.

Knowing how to distinguish a “Shiny object” is important: otherwise, you will feel overwhelmed, exhausted and restless when it comes to fulfilling your objectives.

What about you? Do you know of any other solution to counter the Shiny Object Syndrome? I would love to read your feedback in the comment sections.


This post was about how I overcame the S.O.S. – the Shiny Object Syndrome. Feel free to share and comment.




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