Having a business bestie

Having a business bestie

I always thought that having a business bestie was the ideal… Until a fellow entrepreneur gave me an alternative view…

The more time I spent in entrepreneurship, the more I enjoy confronting my ideas to opposing ones. The aim is to actively remove any blinders I may have.

So, referring back to having a business bestie… As I was confronted to Annelise’s point of view, I could not believe how naïve I had been.

Her views – very opposed to my initial opinions – gave me food for thought. I thought about what she said for a very long time. For weeks, actually.

You may wonder if having a business bestie is a good approach for you: In that case, allow me to expose you to the pros and cons of such endeavor through this short post.


Positive aspects of having a business bestie

Having a business bestie

Emotional support:

Running a business can be tough, and having a friend who understands your struggles can provide much-needed emotional support. They can offer a listening ear, provide advice, and offer encouragement when needed.


Shared experiences:

A business bestie can relate to your experiences in a way that others can’t, and can share insights and advice based on their own experiences. Their individual experience is can become a huge value adding aspect to your own business.



Working with a friend can be fun and can lead to great collaborations that benefit both businesses. Whether it is working on a project together, bouncing ideas off each other, or even merging businesses to create something new.



A business bestie can hold you accountable to your goals and help keep you on track. They can remind you of your commitment, check in on your progress, and offer feedback to help you stay on track.



Your business bestie likely has their own network of contacts, which can be valuable for expanding your own network. Their connections may help you expand your customer base, find new clients, or even find new business partners.


Feedback and productivity:

Having a business bestie to bounce ideas off can help you generate more ideas and increase your productivity. They can point out potential flaws or blind spots, and help you refine your ideas to make them even better.


Shared resources:

You and your business bestie may be able to share resources, such as office space or equipment, which can save both of you money.



Knowing that you have a friend who is also working hard to achieve their goals can be motivating and help keep you focused. It can generate a synergy that can be incredibly powerful for both businesses. This can help you achieve more than you could on your own.


Having said that, there are negative aspects to be considered as well.


Possible negative aspects

Mixing business with pleasure:

Mixing friendship and business can be risky, as disagreements or misunderstandings in business can strain the friendship. It is important to have open and honest communication about expectations, goals, and boundaries, to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts from escalating.


Conflicting of interests:

Your business bestie may have different goals or values than you, which can create tension or conflict. Competing businesses or interests can damage your relationship. It is important to be transparent and clear about any potential conflicts and work together to find a way to manage them.


Jealousy or resentment:

If one business is more successful than the other, jealousy or resentment can arise and strain the friendship. It is important to be aware of these feelings and work through them constructively.


Lack of objectivity:

A business bestie may struggle to give objective feedback, which can be detrimental to both businesses. Open communication and emotional intelligence will be formidable weapons in case you are in such position.


Unrealistic expectations:

Having a business bestie

If you have unrealistic expectations of what your business bestie can do for you, it could create disappointment and strain the relationship. Make sure to have realistic expectations and communicate openly about what you hope to achieve together.



Relying too heavily on a friend for business advice can be extremely detrimental to a business. It is critical to maintain a healthy level of independence and not rely on your business bestie for everything.


Lack of diversity:

If you only have one business bestie, it could limit your exposure to different perspectives and ideas. It is important to seek out other business owners and mentors to help broaden your perspective and knowledge.


Boundary issues:

If you and your business bestie are too close, it can be difficult to establish boundaries between your personal and professional lives. Spending too much time socializing with your business bestie can take away from your work and productivity.


Overall, having a business bestie can be a great asset to your business, as long as you approach the relationship with openness, honesty, and a willingness to work through any challenges that arise.

By being aware of the potential pros and cons, you can create a strong, supportive relationship that can help you both achieve your business goals.


As this post is reaching its end, I’d like to ask for your opinion. Would you consider having a business besties in light of what I exposed? Why, or why not? I’d like to read your thoughts in the comment section.

This post aimed to expose the pros and the cons of having a business bestie. Feel free to comment and share.

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