Genesis of Afrotitude

Genesis of Afrotitude

Every single week, I meet prospects – who sometimes ask me about the Genesis of Afrotitude. So, here we go: allow me to tell you the story behind Afrotitude.

I have lived in several countries in Europe and have therefore witnessed and dealt with different cultures. In most of those countries, people were used to African communities. Such nations had experienced at least three generations of people migrating from Africa. It is therefore not surprising that these communities prefer migrating to such countries.

So, it was common to see dark skinned people at every corner of a street. They were relatively well accepted and well adopted in such states. Until I moved to another European State, where the difference was a shock.

The State in question was experiencing its very first migration wave from Africa. To an extent, it still is. This is an island, used to welcoming tourists from the world. But not used to welcoming Africans, whom (for the most part) are just trying to transit towards other European shores.

Long story short: A part from my mother continent, I never saw so many Black people struggling that bad as I did in that island. Insulting stereotypes were thrown out in the air, both from Africans and from the natives of the said Nation. All VERY wrong.


Ultimately, Afrotitude is a mission.

The genesis of Afrotitude was in hopes of starting a legacy. A legacy which will improve the conditions of African women in the long term. Such work consists of living with certain values, whilst raising our living standard, should it be in the Africa or elsewhere in the world.

In essence, Afrotitude help women to socially and economically thrive in their environment, no matter where they are located.

Why women? First of all because I am a women. I can relate 😊. But also because, I believe women have a fundamental role in society. Finally, because I have travelled and lived in different environments. Environments ranging from “favorable to females” to “very hostile” to such gender.

Hostile environment come its own set of issues. For starters, I witnessed:

  • The poor living conditions of over 95% of the members of the African community
  • The feeling of entrapment (that alone deserves another post)
  • Little to no integration in society
  • The lack of knowledge regarding their new environment (leading to disgraceful abuses)
  • The huge need for social intelligence for each party

I decided to reverse the tendency – or at least contribute into doing just that. Through several steps.


Genesis of Afrotitude: what steps?

Genesis of Afrotitude

Step 1: Making sure info is available. I did that by:

  • Getting close to an NGO (Hello AMAM) and contribute to my little level. More is yet to come.
  • Starting the Afrotitude blog
  • Starting to advise and techniques to the struggling members of the community

Step 2: Helping people invest in their living areas.

  • Raising awareness: have a mindset of giving and NOT just taking.
  • Mindset shift: they are all skilled and their skills are needed where they live.
  • Business advise: what to do and how to spot an opportunity

Step 3: Investing directly in Africa and encourage Africans to do so as well.

  • Understanding that there is wealth in Africa
  • Appropriating themselves of their economy
  • Spotting opportunities and diving into them in Africa


To be fair, I am still working on the Step 3 myself: indeed, what point is there to lead with no example of my own?

Anyways, a whole mindset and lifestyle are laid behind Afrotitude. Originally, it was based on how to African communities ought to behave to be respected in Europe. With time, I realized that it should be more than that.

Afrotitude aims to:

  • Eliminate nasty stereotypes about African people and promote social intelligence
  • Contribute in developing Africa’s economy – and avoid crossing the desert to migrate
  • Encourage and empower women into business and investing
  • Instigate more business solidarity amongst Africans communities.
  • Make Africa and Africans respected also because of their contribution to the world.

This post aimed to shed some light regarding the genesis of Afrotitude. Feel free to comment and share.  Also, please let me know how the vision can be improved.

Moreover, if you’d like to partner with such vision, feel free to reach out through the comment section, and I’ll be happy to revert.

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