Failures are awesome

Failures are awesome

Failure are awesome. Yeah, you read right. FAILURES. ARE. AWESOME!

Who hasn’t beat themselves up because of a failure? Or who hasn’t been blamed for a mistake they have done?

Who hasn’t held a grudge on someone who failed them?

If you are guilty of at least one of these questions, then this post is for you!


My high school experience.

I used to be a straight A student, and I was following the principle of the least effort.

That means I was attentive enough in class, so I didn’t bother studying more (as I was good at understanding and remembering).

This lasted until I reached senior year in High school. I hadn’t changed my habits, yet I had my first failures.

I thought I understood the teachings – but I did not. And I had difficulties remembering them. Even when I would study!

Therefore, my grades collapsed. It got worse as my teachers enjoyed setting surprise written tests. Frequently.

And my results were a frequent catastrophe – a shock for my ego …


Until ONE DAY 

Then one day, after another catastrophic result, one of my teachers called me to correct and explain an exercise before my fellow classmates.

I had failed that exercise and just wanted the ground to open for me to hide. And I failed it again on the board.

I was beating myself up, ashamed and embarrassed to be failing in front of the entire class. But Ms. AULAS (my teacher, who knew my straight A history) had the perfect solution.

She’d let me fail in every possible and memorable way. Quietly and patiently. And then she corrected me. Patiently.

She repeated that again and again, after every surprise test.


I started loving those surprise tests.

Failures are awesome

After a while, it struck me!

Ms. AULAS did let me fail in every possible way so I could be immune from my mistakes. Along with my classmates.

As soon as I understood that, I became eager to be submitted to those surprise tests again. Eager to deal with failure.

And eager to be corrected again. Even if it was in front of everybody.

Guess what? Though my surprise test grades were poor, my best results were in my major exams.

And I believe it is thanks to the wisdom of Ms AULAS.



Society tends to shame and emphasize on people’s failure. But the lessons of these failures can turn into success stories.

Mistakes should be there to instruct and to teach. A failure is a perfect opportunity to learn what NOT to do next time.

Think of this: Edison failed 9,999 times while creating the light bulb. But he said:

I have not failed 9,999 times. I have SUCCESSFULLY discovered 9,999 ways of NOT making a light bulb.

And the list of people goes on… Albert EINSTEIN, Walt DISNEY, Vincent VAN GOGH, etc.

You were created with a purpose. And your past unsuccessful experiences are to fuel your success.

Failing gives you the unique opportunity of stepping back up and getting back on course. Especially if you are righteous.

Unsuccessful experiences will likely come your way, so you might as well consider those failures as awesome.


How about you? Do you think failures are awesome? Let us know why in comments.


2 thoughts on “Failures are awesome

  1. This is literally the art of bringing positivity out of situations that may seem negative.
    I will keep this in mind when running my business, but also in all my endeavours.

    Thank you Lorena xx

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