Do not create any content before reading this!

Do not create any content before reading this post. 

Would you like to become inspiring? How about having a captivated audience?

Would you like to keep everyone’s attention when speaking?


As you know, the online world can be very noisy. Drawing your audience’s attention can be difficult.  

Once you have that attention, you quickly realize how easy it is to lose it.

Keeping your audience’s attention is a skill you need to master.


Here is the trick: be excellent at telling stories. Everything is about a story. If a child is captivated and understands your story, then you are a great story teller. 

The same goes with your audience: make your stories interesting. Otherwise, you will get your audience bored.

Telling interesting stories will make you look amazing. And your audience will be captivated till the end.


You may be wondering: “yeah right! But how do I proceed in telling good stories?”

An effective way is to pretend your audience is an eight-year-old child. Do not think eight-year-old children are not intelligent. Far from it.

When you adapt your speech for an audience made of eight-year-old, you will find yourself doing the following:

Keep your sentences short

Keep in mind that you are aiming to keep your audience’s attention.

Even for an adult audience, long sentences can be dreadful. Let alone for a child!

Short sentences will keep you focused and will help you go straight to the point.  This is valid for your audience too.

The shorter your sentences, the better!

Use simple words

Though long and technical words sound cool, they usually confuse your audience.

Keep your words and vocabulary simple. Ideally, keep the same light and casual language you use daily.

The simpler your words, the more pleasant it is to listen to you.

In case you cannot avoid using a technical word, make sure to define it – with simple words.

Use a metaphorical language

Do not create any content before reading this.

Metaphors are used in communication to help illustrate or explain something by comparing it to something else.

I suggest you use this when trying to explain something complex. Metaphors are great because they have several objectives:

  1. help your audience visualize unfamiliar concepts
  2. explain unfamiliar situations meaningfully
  3. add variety and interest to a person’s writing or conversations
  4. create strong images and leave lasting impressions
  5. impact readers and audience members


During my engineering studies, my Math teacher use to tell me this: you become a genius when you manage to explain complex concepts to an eight-year-old child.

Now, I will say: you can sell anything if you manage to convince your audience with a captivating story.



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