Dare to be different

Dare to be different

For the most part of my life, I was never encouraged to dare to be different. But the fact is I am different than the other 7 billion + people populating the earth. 

It is only through life that I understood that my difference is what made me unique. The same applies for you. In this post, I’d like to encourage you to dare to be different. Why?

Well, conforming to the status quo can be a tempting choice for many individuals, particularly in the business world. It seems easier to follow the well-established norms and guidelines without ever stepping outside of the box.

However, there are costs associated with constantly striving for conformity.


Never challenging nor questioning…

The first cost is that it stifles critical thinking and reinforces the opinions of others. When one is always conforming, they are never challenging or questioning the status quo.

This leads to a lack of original thought and creativity, which ultimately limits their potential in the business world. Without critical thinking and independent thought, it’s challenging to develop new ideas and innovative solutions.


Growth of disinterest

Another cost of conforming is the cultivation of disinterest. When individuals keep repeating the same thing as everyone else, who’s going to be interested in what they’re saying? They become unremarkable, and their ideas become stale.

As a result, they may find it challenging to engage their peers or gain the attention of potential business partners or investors.


Self limitation

Dare to be different

Performing at an average level is yet another cost of conformity. By staying within the bounds of the status quo, individuals are limiting their capacity for growth and excellence. They may be content with the current level of achievement and never push themselves to achieve more.

This can lead to a lack of fulfillment and satisfaction in their work, as well as a lack of progress in their career.


Lack of recognition

In addition to earning an average salary, conformity can also result in a lack of recognition. Individuals who are content with performing at an average level and conforming to the status quo are less likely to stand out or be recognized for their work.

As a result, they may miss out on valuable opportunities for career growth and advancement.


Missed opportunities

Moreover, conforming to the status quo can lead to missed opportunities. By staying within the confines of what is considered acceptable, individuals may not be open to new ideas or opportunities that fall outside of the norm.

This can limit their potential for success and prevent them from taking advantage of emerging trends or opportunities.


Remaining in the shadows

Dare to be different

Lastly, those who conform may find themselves living in the shadow of those who dare to step out of their comfort zone. By failing to take risks and think outside of the box, individuals are less likely to be recognized for their contributions to the business world.

They may find themselves being overshadowed by more innovative and daring individuals, who are willing to take risks and challenge the status quo.


Dare to be different because…

Although stepping out of one’s comfort zone may seem risky, it’s important to recognize that this is where the real opportunities lie. By daring to do things differently and sharing unique perspectives, individuals are taking the first steps towards a world of opportunity, recognition, and possibility.

Challenging the status quo is an essential ingredient for success in the business world. By stepping outside of one’s comfort zone and daring to be different, individuals are more likely to gain recognition, attract new opportunities, and achieve success beyond their wildest dreams.

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, the ability to think critically and creatively is more important than ever. By embracing new ideas and being willing to take risks, individuals can position themselves for success and achieve their goals. In short, stepping outside of the status quo is a vital part of creating a successful and fulfilling career in today’s business world.


As this post is coming to an end, may I ask: would you dare to be different ? Please feel free to share why. I’d love to read your thoughts over the comment sections.


This post was about how important it is to dare to be different. Feel free to comment and share.

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