Children and successful entrepreneurs have THESE in common (Part 2)

Children and entrepreneurs have these in common 2

In a previous post, I had started listing some traits of what children and successful entrepreneurs have in common. This post is a continuation of that previous one. So if you haven’t read it yet, go ahead and read it here.


Children and successful have the humility to ask for help

Observe. When children need help, they somehow manifest it to adults. Sometimes they do so by crying (if they are babies) or simply asking (when they speak).

Whenever they cannot do something by themselves, children manifest it or they ask for help: babies can’t feed themselves, so they cry; young teenage can’t drive so they ask their parents to drive them wherever they need to go.

Asking for help when it is needed contributes to the success of an entrepreneur. Indeed, entrepreneurs and children understand that if they do not ask for help, nothing will happen. That can lead to dramatic situations. Have the humility to ask.


Children and successful  entrepreneurs quickly adapt to changes

It is a very common knowledge that children have great abilities to adapt to changes. Whether it is a change of environment, a change in physiology, etc. Their eagerness to learn will help them adapt into the change they are submitted to.

Entrepreneurship is subject to constant adaption: whether it is in market, in customer needs, in techniques, etc. Not adapting to the changes may end your business.


They are open-minded

Open-minded people have that ability of always questioning their observations. Neurobiologist Doctor Huther has recently proven that babies are born with a great open-mindedness.

Indeed, the brain is equipped to learn, to discover and to adapt to new situations. In fact, if you observe a child, you’ll notice that their way of thinking tends to be less biased and more flexible than that of adults.

The reason for that is that children have much less preconceived ideas – compared to adults. The less preconceived ideas one has, the more they are open-minded. This allows children to consider the improbable with a logical base of probability.

Successful entrepreneurs strive to keep their mind open. In some cases, some of them go through the process of unlearning the preconceived ideas they have gain when growing up. They do so because they know an open mind is always ready to enjoy new knowledge.


Both children and successful entrepreneurs can be very creative

Children and entrepreneurs have these in common 2

The creativity of people is a direct result from having an open mind. In fact, everyone is born with some creativity. However, that creativity can either be stimulated or repressed from a young age.

Creativity not only contribute into exploring new ideas, it does serve to finding solutions to a given problem. Creativity can help people to think of the impossible and persevere beyond failures.

Entrepreneurs have understood that: it is because of the creativity of most of them that we benefit from lots of things today – such as technology, medical advancement, sign language, etc.

Creativity comes once you keep your mind open enough to think outside the box.


They are very enthusiastic.

Did you notice? Children usually bring so much joy and fun to the surrounding adults. Whether it is by the way they think, or the way they are.

Children are naturally joyful, no matter the circumstances, and they communicate that joy those surrounding them.

The same goes for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs usually are very enthusiastic about their entrepreneurial journey. So joyful that they would not be able to spend a day without communicating about their business.

Enthusiasm is what keeps an entrepreneur going on despite the numerous challenges they may encounter. Without enthusiasm, it will be difficult to persevere.



What about you? Do you know of any other commonalities between children and entrepreneurs? Are you applying the listed points in your business journey? How so? I’d love to read it in the comment section.


This post was about what children and entrepreneurs have in common. Feel free to share and comment.

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