Children can teach us so many valuable things, including fundamental wealth lessons. In fact, in this post, I will expose some traits children and entrepreneurs have in common.
Let me be clear. By “children”, I mean the following: a developing young human being still depending on their parent or on other adults. I am not referring to adults here.
A little experience…
Years ago, I witnessed an amazing experience. Basically, a dozen of kids were left on a playground for two hours, whilst their parents were meeting at a nearby place.
This won’t sound like an extraordinary scene, until I specify that they kids were less than 5 years old and NONE of them were speaking the same language!
Guess what! In less than 10 minutes, the kids were all playing together and they kept on doing so for the following couple of hours. They had formed two different teams and played well together.
I was so in awe of what they had achieve that I could not help pointing out some things:
- They did not have access to google translate, yet they communicated.
- They did not let their language barriers stop them from teaming up and having fun
- They did not need to speak the same language to understand each other
- At the end of the game, each one of them pronounced at least one word foreign to their mother tongue
- Etc.
From that moment, I realized how much we adults have a lot to learn from children. This applies even to entrepreneurs.
Coming to think of it now, I have listed some characteristics children and entrepreneurs have in common. Here below are some of the commonalities:
Children and entrepreneurs imitate until they succeed
Children do not pronounce their first words after reading a book. They do not learn how to walk through YouTube tutorials. They behave according to what they witness around them.
In other words, children learn by imitating their parents and those around them. Because it is the most natural way to learn. Imitate successful people.
Observe how any millionaire entrepreneur made their first million: imitating the behaviors of other millionaires will be part of their success.
Imitating successful entrepreneurs will help you progress whilst gaining time by avoiding some mistakes.
Failures neither stop children nor entrepreneurs
I have always been amazed when I witness children taking their very first steps. They fall, get back up, fall again and so on. Even God Himself commands us to get back up whenever we fall. Especially if that is how things are supposed to go.
Despite their falling, they do not give up. That eagerness to learn how to stand on their feet and walk without falling eventually pays off! They will be walking so well that they would cause other adults to run after them
Entrepreneurs never stop learning. Despite their failings, they do not give up until they reach their objectives. In fact, for most of them, their failures pave their way to success.
Let your failures grow your eagerness to learn until you succeed!
Children and entrepreneurs are eager to learn
Children are naturally enthusiastic, and hungry to try new things. Whether those new thing are good or not, the best way for them to learn is to try out.
The same go for entrepreneurs. Most entrepreneurs I know are always either reading or running tests to try out something new.
Children realize that they do not know everything and that leads them to being curious. The same goes for entrepreneurs. Speaking of not knowing everything…
What about you? Do you know of any other commonalities between children and entrepreneurs? Are you applying the listed points in your business journey? How so? I’d love to read it in the comment section.
In another post, I will provide further commonalities between children and entrepreneurs.
This post was about what children and entrepreneurs have in common. Feel free to share and comment.