An exceptional young entrepreneur

An exceptional young entrepreneur

Let me introduce you to Mounir, an exceptional young entrepreneur, making waves with his unconventional approach to life and work. As soon as I heard about him, I did my best to track him down and hear directly from him.

Mounir is a holder of a master’s degree. As soon as he graduated, he applied for jobs in his area of expertise. His disillusions started when he realized that the companies’ compensation packages were not up to his expectations.

Indeed, he was offered a €2,000 gross salary, as a newly holder of a master’s degree in electronics – in a major European capital. In other words, when compared to the area’s cost of living, Mounir knew he couldn’t have afforded living decently with less than €2,000 per month.


So what did he do?

He chose entrepreneurship over joblessness. Mounir figured out that he would rather struggle on his own terms than on an employer’s terms. He bought a car and became a part time Uber driver, because he knew he could earn much more.

With Uber, he earns €4,000 net per month. In addition, sometimes he can earn up to €500 for working evenings on weekends. He is in control of his income and he obviously has the freedom to rest when he needs to.

Nowadays, Mounir drives a Tesla Model Y. Prior to purchasing this car, he realized he was eligible to a governmental financial scheme, which was granted to him shortly after he applied. His Tesla is kitted elegantly kitted with several accessories he bought from Aliexpress.

But Mounir didn’t stop there. With his background in electronics, he decided to start his own business by buying and installing drink dispensers in schools. He now has three of these dispensers up and running, which brings in an additional €2,000 per month.

He was initially hesitant to approach school directors, so he sent two friends to install the machines. When he goes to refill the machines, he pretends to be a technician. He is resourceful and creative in his approach to business.

Moreover, he once came across a bread machine in a village. Such situation birthed another business idea. He looked into purchasing and repairing a broken bread machine online. Once repaired, he installed it in the first village that agreed to it.


What impressed me about Mounir

An exceptional young entrepreneur

This entrepreneurial spirit and willingness to take risk positively struck me. Mounir’s story is an excellent example of the new generation of entrepreneurs. They do not want to be categorized and are no longer satisfied with working for €2,000 per month with a master’s degree.

It’s inspiring to see someone as young as 25-year-old Mounir achieving so much. He is proof that anyone can be an entrepreneur with the right mindset. This young man is a reminder that age is just a number, and anyone can achieve success with hard work and dedication.

His story is also a reminder that success does not always come in the form of a high-paying job or a fancy title. It can come from the willingness to take risks, the ability to learn new skills, and the determination to create your own opportunities.

What impressed me the most about Mounir is his humility. He is not boastful or arrogant about his success. On the contrary: he is grateful for the opportunities he has and is eager to share his experiences with others. He is a great role model for young people who are considering starting their own businesses.

Mounir is also a devout Muslim and is currently observing Ramadan. He is able to balance his religious beliefs with his business ventures, showing that it is possible to succeed in business while maintaining one’s values and beliefs.

So the next time you get into an Uber, take a moment to chat with your driver and learn their story. You might just be surprised by what you discover 😉 


What are your thoughts about such an exceptional young entrepreneur?

How about you? Through this story, do you also believe Mounir is an exceptional young entrepreneur? If you were in his shoes, what would you have done? Do you think Mounir has chosen a successful path?  I’d like to read your views in the comment section 🙂

This post aimed to expose you to the path of an exceptional young entrepreneur. Feel free to comment and share.

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