A movie taught me how NOT to run a business!

A movie taught me how NOT to run a business

In this post, I will expose how a movie taught me how NOT to run a business. Part of this article was inspired by a message Antoine (one of my mentors) had one sent to his community.

I was so struck by the truth in it that I decided to check, confirm and expose it too. Thank you Antoine for this amazing message.

Years ago, a movie inspired by the story of Jordan Belfort was released. This movie is about the rise and fall of a stockbroker who using questionable practices to succeed…


What movie taught me how NOT to run a business?

The movie’s name is The Wolf of Wall Street. It seems like the movie hero has become a role model for young entrepreneurs. Should that be difficult to believe, just have a look at:

  • The images: the images used by these entrepreneurs are very similar to that of the movie.
  • Their dress code: these entrepreneurs have a dress code very similar to that of the movie’s main character, i.e., three pieces costumes, or ostentatious watches, etc.

And sometimes, it works: they would draw people eager for financial wealth and wishing to learn fast and easy money.

The issue with that is: this picture doesn’t necessarily reflect the realities of entrepreneurship. Most entrepreneurs I know have a passion for their work. That passion drives them to read a lot and practice what they learn. And that makes a huge difference.


Most people are seduced by the Wolf of Wall Street because of what his possessions: money, fame, parties, women, recognition by his peers, etc. The way he gets there seems very secondary. And that is the problem.


Due to his charismatic and persuasive personality, the hero makes a living by cheating, manipulating, and ruining his customers. Make no mistake: to my standard, there is a name for people like him: that would be crook!


Although this movie can be interesting, funny, and relaxing to watch, the entrepreneurial journey illustrated in it is not the best one. In fact, it is one of the worst I have ever seen. Indeed, imagine you’d like to be an entrepreneur.


A lot of us tend to focus on what to do to build our businesses from the ground up. But fewer focus on what NOT to do. Sometimes, there is failure and shame. But those ought to be used as lessons


What does this movie portray?

Would that movie be a learning reference? If yes, how so? This movie portrays the following:

  • Short term gain is OK
  • Customers are nothing but cash cows
  • There is no after service once the customers have paid
  • It is OK to cheat your way to success


Nothing could be further from the truth. Entrepreneurship is an amazing journey which aims to:

  • Give a meaning to your life
  • Give a meaning to your customer’s life
  • Turn you into a better person
  • Grow and perfect your skillset
  • Teach you how to sell ethically
  • Satisfy your customer with tangible results
  • Keep you humble


A movie taught me how NOT to run a business

Yes, it is possible to succeed. And yes you can! In fact, it is only after you achieve these that the financial gain will occur. The aim of entrepreneurship to focus on skills and on your customers. 


How about you? Did you see The Wolf of Wall Street? What did you learn from it? What other bad examples of entrepreneurship did you noticed from that movie? I’d love to read your thoughts in the comment section.


This post was about how a movie taught me how NOT to run a business! Feel free to comment and share!


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