5 tips to become an excellent sales person

5 tips to become an excellent sales person

In this post, I will provide you with 5 tips that will help you become an excellent sales person. I decided to do this post because it is very common for business beginners to have a hard time selling.

Well, let’s start by demystifying sales: we all sell things every single day. We can sell an idea, we sell our time, etc.

We may not necessarily be paid with cash: the exchanged item can be time, a conviction, food, knowledge, etc.

However, in order to make successful sales, there are certain skills you need to master. Those skills are listed here below.


Build trust with your customers

Just as you, your customers are human beings. And human relations are successful when there is trust. The first step to selling is by winning the trust of your customers.

That trust is usually built with honesty, open communication and delivery towards your customers. If one of these characteristics is missing, your customer won’t stay for long.

The best way to earn your customer’s trust is by knowing and hearing out their needs. Knowledge is capital. Otherwise, your business may perish. Once the trust is built, you are heading to having customers for life!


Find products for your customers

Once you understand the need of your customers, offer them a product or service matching their need. If the product or service does not match your customer’s need, they would look elsewhere.

In order to carry on well with this step, it is capital to understand their need. The best way to understand their need is by listening to them and walking in their shoes.


Selling is about having a conversation with people

When comes the time of selling, one basic skill is needed. That skill is conversational (or communication) skill. This is important because:

  • Understanding your customer’s needs requires communication
  • Winning their confidence requires communication
  • Having their feedback requires communication

5 tips to become an excellent sales person

The way you decide to communicate with your customers is up to you: face to face, audio, video, texting, etc. The communication will help you acknowledge your customer’s needs. It will also help you make sure that your offer is the perfect match to their need.


Selling is helping your customer in solving a problem

Your product must aim to solve your customer’s problem. Therefore, you have to ask yourself: what problem(s) will my product (or service) solve? If you are unable to make a clear statement to answer that question, it is unlikely you sell.

Ideally, you are to communicate that statement to your customer. If that is not clear to your customer, they will end up going elsewhere. Keep in mind this: helping solve a problem is honorable.


Make your customer remember you

Once you face your customer, make sure you provide them with an amazing service. That service is to be so amazing that they will come back.

Looking for customers is amazing, but it is even more amazing when they get back to you because you gave them an outstanding service.

Some ways for them to remember of you are:

  • Your solution exceeds their needs
  • Be accessible and responsive to them
  • Great customer service


Follow these tips over and over again, and I am sure you’ll become an excellent sales person.


Do you know of any other tips to become an excellent sales person? If yes, feel free to share in the comments section. In fact, I’d love to read your feedback.

This post was about giving you 5 tips to become an excellent sales person. Feel free to share and comment.

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